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Blog post: A good adult educator (2016)

Blog post: Employ skilled trainers and assessors

Blog post: Ključne kompetencije za cjeloživotno učenje: resursi za online obrazovanje (2020)

Blog post: The Andragogy Secret: How To Use Adult Learning Theory To Drive L&D Engagement Success (2020)

Blog post: 6 Adult Learning Theories and How to Put Them into Practice (2019)

Blog post: The Andragogy Approach: Knowles’ Adult Learning Theory Principles (2021)

Časopis: AED: Role and impact of adult education (2018)

Časopis: AED: A good adult educator (2019)

Časopis: Andragoške studije (2020)

Esej za raspravu: Informalno i neformalno učenje – analiza i perspektive (2011)

Izvještaj DVV (2016):  Adult education centres as a key to development – challenges and success factorsGlobalni kurikulum za obrazovanje odraslih: curriculum globALE (2021)

Izvještaj EPALE (2019): What Motivates Adults to Learn:A rapid evidence review of what drives learning new skills in the workplace

Izvještaj (2013): Ključne kompetencije i učenje odraslih

Knjiga: Menadžment modeli u organizacijama za obrazovanje odraslih (2016)

Knjiga:  Contemporary Issues and Perspectives on Gender Research in Adult Education (2016)

Manifesto EAEA (2019): Manifesto for Adult learning in the 21st century: The power and Joy of learning

Praktični vodič ustanovama za obrazovanje odraslih: Od ideje do javne isprave (2012)

Priručnik: Competence framework for VET professions (2009)

Priručnik: Učimo cjeloživotno učiti i poučavati  (2018)

Priručnik za mentore praktične nastave u firmama (2018)

Priručnik: Manual for facilitators in non-formal education involved in preparing and delivering the programme of study sessions at European Youth Centre (2009)

Priručnik za organizatore obrazovanja odraslih sa smjernicama i instrumentima za planiranje, provođenje i evaluaciju programa stručnog obrazovanja i osposobljavanja odraslih (2018)

Preporuke za razvoj kvalitete sustava obrazovanja odraslih i cjeloživotnog učenja u Republici Hrvatskoj (2015)

Zbornik radova:  Stanje i perspekive obrazovanja odraslih u Republici Hrvatskoj (2016)

Više resursa: The VET workforce  and professional development

Blog post: Advantages and Disadvantages of In House Training (2020)

Blog post: Training Methods: Internal vs. External – What’s Best For You? (2017)

Blog post: Three things that could be sabotaging your training business – and how to stop them

Blog post: 15 essentials for setting up a training company

Članak: Training and Development Program and its Benefits to Employee and Organization: A Conceptual Study (2013)

Članak: Training and development program and its benefits to employee and organization: A conceptual study (2020)

Članak:  Benefits of Training and Development for Individuals and Teams, Organizations, and Society (2009)

Članak: Employers and apprenticeships in England: costs, risks and policy reforms (2017)

ILO: A Review of Methodologies for measuring the costs and benefits of in-company apprenticeship training (2018)

Izvještaj (2013): Net Costs of Modern Apprenticeship Training to Employers

Izvještaj BIS (2012) Employer Investment in Apprenticeships and Workplace Learning: The Fifth Net Benefits of Training to Employers Study

Izvještaj ETF (2012) Work-based learning: Benefits and Obstacles- a literature review for Policy Makers and Social Partners in ETF partner countries

Prezentacija: The Net Costs and Benefits of Training To Employers Series of Studies in England: Estimating the costs of Apprenticeship training to employers (2014)

Priručnik: Costs and Benefits in Vocational Education and Training (2008)

Priručnik za sprovođenje obuke (2019)

Maintaining Currency (VET trainers and assessors) Policy an procedures (2020)

Priručnik: Cost and financing analysis in VET: guidance note (2015)

Više resursa: In house training Journals and Books 

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