Blog post: A good adult educator (2016)
Blog post: Employ skilled trainers and assessors
Blog post: Ključne kompetencije za cjeloživotno učenje: resursi za online obrazovanje (2020)
Blog post: The Andragogy Secret: How To Use Adult Learning Theory To Drive L&D Engagement Success (2020)
Blog post: 6 Adult Learning Theories and How to Put Them into Practice (2019)
Blog post: The Andragogy Approach: Knowles’ Adult Learning Theory Principles (2021)
Časopis: AED: Role and impact of adult education (2018)
Časopis: AED: A good adult educator (2019)
Časopis: Andragoške studije (2020)
Esej za raspravu: Informalno i neformalno učenje – analiza i perspektive (2011)
Izvještaj DVV (2016): Adult education centres as a key to development – challenges and success factorsGlobalni kurikulum za obrazovanje odraslih: curriculum globALE (2021)
Izvještaj EPALE (2019): What Motivates Adults to Learn:A rapid evidence review of what drives learning new skills in the workplace
Izvještaj (2013): Ključne kompetencije i učenje odraslih
Knjiga: Menadžment modeli u organizacijama za obrazovanje odraslih (2016)
Knjiga: Contemporary Issues and Perspectives on Gender Research in Adult Education (2016)
Manifesto EAEA (2019): Manifesto for Adult learning in the 21st century: The power and Joy of learning
Praktični vodič ustanovama za obrazovanje odraslih: Od ideje do javne isprave (2012)
Priručnik: Competence framework for VET professions (2009)
Priručnik: Učimo cjeloživotno učiti i poučavati (2018)
Priručnik za mentore praktične nastave u firmama (2018)
Priručnik: Manual for facilitators in non-formal education involved in preparing and delivering the programme of study sessions at European Youth Centre (2009)
Zbornik radova: Stanje i perspekive obrazovanja odraslih u Republici Hrvatskoj (2016)
Više resursa: The VET workforce and professional development
Blog post: Advantages and Disadvantages of In House Training (2020)
Blog post: Training Methods: Internal vs. External – What’s Best For You? (2017)
Blog post: Three things that could be sabotaging your training business – and how to stop them
Blog post: 15 essentials for setting up a training company
Članak: Training and Development Program and its Benefits to Employee and Organization: A Conceptual Study (2013)
Članak: Training and development program and its benefits to employee and organization: A conceptual study (2020)
Članak: Benefits of Training and Development for Individuals and Teams, Organizations, and Society (2009)
Članak: Employers and apprenticeships in England: costs, risks and policy reforms (2017)
ILO: A Review of Methodologies for measuring the costs and benefits of in-company apprenticeship training (2018)
Izvještaj (2013): Net Costs of Modern Apprenticeship Training to Employers
Izvještaj BIS (2012) Employer Investment in Apprenticeships and Workplace Learning: The Fifth Net Benefits of Training to Employers Study
Izvještaj ETF (2012) Work-based learning: Benefits and Obstacles- a literature review for Policy Makers and Social Partners in ETF partner countries
Prezentacija: The Net Costs and Benefits of Training To Employers Series of Studies in England: Estimating the costs of Apprenticeship training to employers (2014)
Priručnik: Costs and Benefits in Vocational Education and Training (2008)
Priručnik za sprovođenje obuke (2019)
Maintaining Currency (VET trainers and assessors) Policy an procedures (2020)
Priručnik: Cost and financing analysis in VET: guidance note (2015)
Više resursa: In house training Journals and Books
Brošura INFORM: Monitoring VET quality in ETF partner countries (2020)
Evaluacijski izvještaj (2013) Evaluation report for Vocatioal training program for migrant labours in Antalya cut flower sector
Izvještaj OECD (2021): Improving the Quality of Non-Formal Adult Learning: Learning from European best practices on quality
Priručnik za analizu potreba i evaluaciju programa obuke (2018)
Izvještaj ETF (2019): Policies for human capital develompent in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Izvještaj ETF (2019): Skills mismatch measurement in ETF partner countries
Izvještaj ETF (2020): Unlocking youth potential in South Eastern Europe and Turkey
Izvještaj ETF (2019): Studija slučaja: Politika zapošljavanja u Španjolskoj – pripremne aktivnosti za utvrđivanje prioriteta zapošljavanja u Bosni i Hercegovini
Izvještaj ETF (2019): Key indicators on education, skills and employment 2019
Izvještaj ETF (2020): Key indicators on education, skills and employment 2020
Izvještaj (2012): Obrazovanje odraslih kao šansa za ubrzanje ekonomskog i socijalnog razvoja BIH
Izvještaj CEDEFOP (2021): Perspectives on policy and practice: tapping into the potential of big
data for skills policy
Izvještaj ILO (2020): The Role of Employers in Skills Development Systems
Izvještaj (2019): The changing nature of work and skills in the digital age
Izvještaj WIIW (2020): Western Balkans Labor Market Trends 2020
Izvještaj CCI (2015): Analiza politika zapošljavanja u Bosni i Hercegovini
Izvještaj (2015): Dijagnoza tržišta rada u Bosni i Hercegovini
Istraživački rad (2013): Nezaposlenost mladih: EU i BiH dijele isti problem, mogu li rješenja biti zajednička?
Izvještaj DVV (2021): Prvi koraci prema snažnom partnerstvu: preporuke za razvoj institucionalnog partnerstva aktera na polju obrazovanja odraslih u Brčko distriktu BiH
Izvještaj DVV (2021): Prvi koraci prema snažnom partnerstvu: preporuke za razvoj institucionalnog partnerstva aktera na polju obrazovanja odraslih u Kantonu Sarajevo u BiH
Izvještaj (2017): Business cooperating with vocational education and training providers for quality skills and atratcive future
Izvještaj CEDEFOP (2020) Vocational education and training in Europe, 1995-2035: Scenarios for European vocational education and training in the 21st century
Izvještaj CEDEFOP i ETF (2020) The importance of being vocational challenges and opportunities for VET in the next decade
Izvještaj ETF (2020) Centres of Vocational Excellence-An engine for vocational education and training development
Izvještaj NCVER (2007) Approaches for sustaining and building management and leadership capability in VET providers
Izvještaj (2017) Vocational education and training for inclusive growth in development cooperation
Izvještaj OECD (2014) Skills Beyond School
Izvještaj (2020): Mapping of Centers of Vocational Excellence
Izvještaj (2108): The 4th industrial revolution and it’s implications to the VET provision
Izvještaj (2020): Building up evidence on work-based learning in VET
Knjiga: Guide for Practitioners of Vocational Training (2016)
Magazin CEDEFOP (2021): Skillset and Match
Priručnik: Linking Vocational Education and Training Standards and Employment Requirements (2001)